Consistency, Patience, Perseverance

Consistency, Patience, Perseverance

   Repetition is the art of doing the same thing repeatedly until it is so ingrained in your subconscious mind that it becomes second nature to you without much thought and effort.

   There is a reason that every ballet class starts with Pliés and Tendus. These are the primary beginning movements every dancer has to master to be able to learn and advance into any other movement or step in dance training. They are the foundations of dance. The same goes for running your business.

So, how long do you need to do these steps before you can master it?

The Four Steps of Processing Information:

1. Unconscious Incompetence
2. Conscious Incompetence
3. Conscious Competence
4. Unconscious Competence

Unconscious incompetence is when you do not know what you do not know. You do not know what is required to reach your goals. So, you brush up on the skills and education necessary to pursue your desires. Every time you embark on a new endeavor, you first must learn what you need to acquire the required skill.

Bike Example: When you get on a bike for the first time, you are unsure how to peddle and balance simultaneously. At that moment, you realize that you have no clue how to ride a bike and will have to acquire that skill.

Conscious incompetence is when you learn a new skill and are now aware of the effort and time needed to understand and follow the steps to achieve mastery.
Bike Example: You are now getting lessons and practicing riding a bike.

Conscious competence: Now you have learned the steps and need to repeat them repeatedly until you get it right with less effort.
Bike Example: Now you get on the bike and start riding without anyone holding you up. You are doing fine, but you still need to think it through and pay attention to your actions.

Unconscious competence: This is the moment you have worked towards from day one. It has become natural and easy. You glide through the day and perform your daily tasks beautifully.
Bike example: Now you jump on a bike and put no thought to it. You start pedaling without fear or doubt. You are comfortable and at ease. This is the moment of triumph.

As with anything, you become rusty and slow if you don’t practice a skill consistently and diligently.

So What’s The Point of Repetition?
Repetition is the art of mastering a skill and becoming not just skillful at it, but you achieve mastery.

So the next time you’re confronted with learning something new, even though it may be tedious and lengthy initially, don’t stop or look for a short, easy way out. Do your due diligence to become the master of your art and an example to others.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve and support you. KF

Dr. Karina Felix
Author: Dr. Karina Felix

Dr. Karina Felix is a leading metaphysical science educator and earth spirit guide, devoted to advancing human potential and spirit consciousness. With a PhD in Metaphysical Science, Dr. Felix guides individuals on transformative journeys of mind and self-mastery, spiritual expansion, and the discovery of their Soul’s true purpose. Her teachings empower people to live with clarity, confidence, and alignment with their highest selves.