– Perfect for any time of year!

Possible side effects are a renewed love of life, boosts of energy, feeling joyous and alive, and smiling more. You may even experience being more productive and connected to the people around you.


1 Part Declaration
1 Sprinkle of Expectation
3-4 Parts Appreciation
1 Part Celebration
1 Part Education
1 Part Communication

Directions: Start each day with a declaration. Before getting out of bed and before checking email and social media, declare, “Today is going to be a magical day!” Don’t like magical, choose a different word. Let the world, God, the Universe, and most importantly, yourself know that you are choosing to have the best day ever (or moments of the best day ever) regardless of life’s circumstances. Say it like you mean it (even if you are unsure). Take the extra step – write it on a card and carry it with you.

Sprinkle in an expectation or three. Now that you made your declaration, EXPECT LIFE TO WORK.

Your thoughts create your reality so when you expect life to be fun, and filled with GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. (I’ll explain in a bit), it will be. However, the converse is also true. If you expect life to be hard you will bump into walls at every corner.

Now that you’ve declared that today is going to be magical, and you set the expect that life works for you look for the evidence, your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S.. Search for them and you will find them.

Enroll your friends and family in the belief that the Universe has your back and that you are a magnet for all that is good. On the days when you’re feeling challenged or defeated, call in the troops to protect you and keep you safe from the mind monsters who want to infiltrate and suck the good juju right out of you. Remember, “Today IS going to be a magical day,” How do I know? You declared it and expect it to be true.
Throughout the day, schedule in time for appreciation. This is the key ingredient. You can not leave this out.

Set your alarm to go off every few hours and when it does, STOP, BREATHE, REFLECT. Stop what you’re doing, take a few deep breaths, and reflect on your GRATITUDE W.I.N.S. Jot them down in your GRATITUDE Journal.


W – Who or what made a difference for me?
I – What did I do for myself or someone else?
N – How did I nourish my mind, body, or spirit today?
S – What made me smile or laugh till my sides hurt.

This is a powerful exercise to retrain your brain to recognize the simple things that bring you pleasure. As this becomes a practice, your senses are heightened and life’s pleasures are magnified. Colors and sounds are more vibrant – YOUR life is more vibrant.

What do you do if you can’t find GRATITUDE W.I.N.S.? No worries. Repeat the process every few hours. If you’re in the middle of a mess, take a few deep breaths, with open arms and chin up, repeat, “Today is going to be a magical day!” (Even if it sounds like B.S.) Then ask, what am I supposed to learn from this situation?

Find reasons for celebration.
Celebrate EVERYTHING. Don’t wait until you reach your goal, rejoice in each milestone, each time you get a step closer. Put on your Sunday best, set the table with your finest china and have a dinner party on a Tuesday even if you are eating alone. Say yes to your life and savor each moment. If it’s raining outside, dance in the rain. If your favorite song comes on the radio – sing – even if you can’t carry a tune. Stop waiting until you reach the “destination” to revel in your W.I.N.S..

Flavor with education. If not now, when? Spend ten minutes a day (or more) studying; it fuels your mind and keeps it healthy. There’s a plethora of free or nearly free courses out there. Listen to a podcast, read a book, enroll in a class. What have you always wanted to learn? A second language, computer code, or how to change a tire? Ten minutes… We all have ten minutes to study each day. Someday is now. Your mind is a garden. Plant seeds and watch them grow.

Calls for Communication.
Pick up the phone or jump on a video call with someone. Send a card. Let people know you care about them. Make time to speak to your tribe. If your grandchildren or nieces and nephews live far away, have a play date through Zoom or Facetime. Tell them jokes and read them stories. Watch their faces light up. Go for an evening walk and bring your friends with you. (That’s a two for one.) Social distancing reminded us how vital communication is. We learned to be physically distant but socially connected. Look at the number of virtual seders and Easter dinners that we enjoyed across the globe. Don’t just say that family and friends are important to you – prove it.

This recipe contains simple ingredients that you have at home. Make it today even if you’re missing one and enjoy the sweetness of your life.