Harmonizing the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

Harmonizing the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

The feminine and the masculine both exist within every human being. They become Divine when we connect them to the universal spark that is within and accessible to each of us. However, the strength of the signal and the impact of it in our lives, can be greatly affected by our childhood wounding, which shows up as the Wounded Feminine and/or Wounded Masculine. The level, to which we as individuals, have opened ourselves to their presence in us and learned to balance them, is the level to which we are able rise to our highest potential. Any divide between the two will show up as separation.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we seem to know this. Yet we still often separate into women’s circles and men’s groups. None of these are bad or wrong and each has an important place. But how often will a women’s circle know or invite the perspective of the masculine or how often will a men’s group present a feminine point of view? If these are the places where women and men learn, when will we ever learn about each other from each other?

We have been taught that women and men are completely different. But is this true? Is it possible that both men and women desire the same thing? And what is that thing? Connection; deep, powerful, transformative connection.

This may come as a complete surprise for some of the women reading this, because what you may think you see much of the time is a man devoid of feelings and only capable of one emotion: anger. But, as men, we have many feelings. It’s just that we have not normalized our other emotions by expressing them. We have fears, just like women do, but we are also fearful that if we shared our deepest pain, we would no longer be attractive to women because you are looking for a “real” man whose emotional unavailability may still be a subconscious turn-on for you.

So, often in relationships a man cannot share what is on his heart and in that energy, she does not feel safe revealing herself to him. I call this the “Emotional Intimacy Stalemate”. She may be looking for a man she can open her heart to yet if that man has not opened his own heart or does not feel emotionally safe within himself, he has little to offer her. And sadly, our world has been the perfect place for some women to begin losing hope of ever finding such a man and perhaps, without knowing it, further closing their own hearts in the process. Ironically, our world desperately needs the openhearted authentic power of the Divine Feminine woman more than ever.

At this point, the situation may seem quite daunting. But there is hope. You see, once we acknowledge, make peace with, and embrace both the feminine and masculine energies within ourselves and learn to balance them, we can function at a completely different level. Yet this will likely require healing the wounded feminine and wounded masculine within ourselves. We can do some of this work on our own. We will then see our progress in our relationships.

One of the struggles for some men is fearing the presence of anything feminine within ourselves because it conflicts with the narrative that we are required to be the unfeeling and unmovable force. But this also creates great confusion within us; we feel the need to figure out women, which of course, is not possible. For the energetically balanced man, this is not even necessary.

As we create the new earth, the energetic balance we seek will require that women recenter in their Divine Feminine and that men discover their own Divine Feminine aspect and make peace with it.