“High Achievers and Their Journey.”

“High Achievers and Their Journey.”

A New Day. A New Beginning. I woke up this morning without any particular thought as to what I wanted to write about today. As I drank my coffee and watched the day slowly turn from darkness to the emerging clarity of a new day, I could only smile. Why?

While most of us fret about time passing and another day gone by, especially when we think we didn’t get anything done the day before, it is essential to remember that time is only linear in our physical form.

Innately, we are aware that our Soul lives on forever, and thus, we can find comfort in accepting that we did contribute in some way to the overall wellbeing of our existence. Of course, that is if you were in a state of appreciation and gratitude.

Then,  I started focusing on the journey of the high achiever. I realized, or better said, I remembered, that I am a high achiever. My focus was not on money and business but on always being in a space of growth and service. I’ve been told countless times that I give too much away for free, that I should be charging for this and that. I’m too generous with my time, my resources, my patience, and my love.

It may be true, and I’m ok with that now. Now, because for some time, I felt unsupported and misunderstood. I was told, “You are too hard on yourself.” “You work too hard.” “Slow down.” “Take a break.” This feedback was not good for me. I started thinking that I had a problem. I don’t know what that problem was, but it surely was bothering a lot of people.

I will share here, for the first time, that I fell into some kind of freefall. For months, I survived but did not thrive. I wasn’t even sure if I could call it depression, lethargy, or unmotivated. I barely left my home. I have no word for it. I couldn’t even describe my feelings.

I choose to block my racing mind from overthinking. I spent lots of time watching mindless TV because I wouldn’t allow myself the satisfaction of watching something educational that would once again engage my analytical mind. Trying not to read, write, or watch anything that would get my active brain to work was my new goal. And that was the most challenging thing for me to do. Mindless activities are great in small doses, but taking myself away from what I genuinely enjoy and what comes naturally to me was becoming too much of a burden.

And suddenly, it hit me; this is my natural way of being. This is who I’ve been my whole life. That young girl who enjoyed school and subjects such as chemistry, biology, environmental science, innovation and technology, and anything related to science gets me fired up. So why would I want to shut that out of my life? Oh, yeah, then it hit me. I’m in the wrong tribe. My tribe would not judge me for being the person that I am, only because they don’t comprehend this level of passion.

So here is to my next Stage Production of “High Achievers and Their Journey.” My goal is to serve and support high achievers. They are a special breed.

I’ve come to the realization that this is a misunderstood group of people. This exceptional group is shifting the paradigm of a better world for all. Their work, commitment, and dedication to learning, expansion, and growth are what bring innovation and transformation about.

Their contribution does not come with a price tag, is not attached to anything, and is not reciprocal. They are open and free because that is who they are. They don’t think about it; they are doers. They don’t sit on the sidelines and watch things happen. They jump in. They participate.

They are not attached to societal expectations. What they do makes them happy, content, and feeling accomplished. Society has attached success only to what can be seen from the outside. High achievers go to bed every night with a full heart because they did exactly what they wanted to do and, in the process, did so much for the advancement of humanity in mini incremental ways that most people will never see it, let alone get the opportunity to show them love and appreciation for their contribution.


This new understanding that feelings and vibrations can make significant shifts in the world we live in is why we should be grateful for high achievers. They are resilient, adaptable, and forgive quickly, sending high vibrational frequencies into the realm for all to receive.

These qualities are what make high achievers such special people. Their contribution to the advancement of the evolution of humanity and consciousness is why I would like to acknowledge all high achievers in whatever field and capacity for their contribution to pouring high-frequency vibration into the universe, elevating the positive frequencies every day.

High achievers do not adhere to the status quo. They create their own reality, pursue their own goals, and achieve outer and inner happiness.

High Achievers also understand that service and money are an exchange of energy, something I had to come to terms with. As leaders and innovators, it’s our journey to pass this wisdom along and be compensated.

I’ve left my call to action at the end of this article because the person who couldn’t take the time to read it to the end is not the individual I’m willing to work with. That is alright. They never saw this offer anyway.

In honor of you, High Achievers, I am turning the spotlight on you.
Let’s change this world together. Schedule a call with me so I can share this new program I’ve created especially for you.

Affidian Magazine Contributor – Dr. Karina Felix

Dr. Karina Felix
Author: Dr. Karina Felix

Dr. Karina Felix is a leading metaphysical science educator and earth spirit guide, devoted to advancing human potential and spirit consciousness. With a PhD in Metaphysical Science, Dr. Felix guides individuals on transformative journeys of mind and self-mastery, spiritual expansion, and the discovery of their Soul’s true purpose. Her teachings empower people to live with clarity, confidence, and alignment with their highest selves.