How to Shift Your Mindset from Overwhelm to Focus in 3 Steps.


I have been on this journey of self-assessment and self-guidance most of my life. Sometimes, I’m laser-focused on my destinations, and at other times, I get distracted, and life unfolds on its own without my direction.

You see, Life has a way of unfolding as if it has its own opinion. Its own direction. Its own path. Its own manifestations.

But that unfolding is not a coincidence. It’s not a planned destiny outside of yourself.  It is a timeline you create during your unconscious state of mind when you are not focused or present in the moment.

People always ask, “Why me? “Why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to them? Why are good things happening to bad people? And bad things happening to good people? “Who gets to be rich or not. Happy or sad. Fulfilled or empty.

A successful person is one who knows what they want and pursues it with all their might. They stop at nothing and take nothing for granted. They don’t take no for an answer and will push and pull until they get what they want.

The reason they are able to manifest good or riches in their lives is that they have one point of focus and never deviate from that goal.

The Universe needs a road map, a plan to help you unfold your dreams and desires. Without that road map, you can not get the assistance and guidance you need.

It’s like renting a car somewhere you’ve never been and have no clue where north or south is. Imagine you don’t have a GPS or even a paper map to read. You’re just driving for the sake of driving and going around in circles, arriving at the wrong destination, getting information from residents you come across, and off again into the dark. This journey will take you days, months, and even years.

People look back at their lives and wonder what happened. Why did they not accomplish more in their lives?  The answer is simple… you didn’t have a destination.

When Source doesn’t have a clear path for your dreams, wishes, and desires, it improvises your life with the thoughts, actions, and words you transmit.

Since everything starts in the mind, then your daily thoughts and actions become your GPS. This is the road map Source will begin to manifest for you.

It listens to the things you dwell on on a consistent basis and then makes them happen in real-time. Source has no opinion, preference, or choices. All it does is create what you put out. Even if what you put out is not clear, it will work with what you offer.

If you offer nothing consciously, then it will focus on the emotions and vibrations to emit.

When things in your life go sideways, as they say, you get even more angry, upset, sad, and depressed. This then becomes your mode of operation and the signals you continue to transmit, so you get more of it.

This unfolding of your life is your doing. There isn’t an unknown entity out there sabotaging you or creating conflict in your life. It is your own doing.

Unless you stop to assess where you are now and where you’d like to be and maintain consistency in your life, you’ll need to start with this one activity.

Many people teach manifestation principles and how to get what you want. But manifesting has a process you must follow to create your desired life. It has several points you must touch on to create and keep your “good luck” status.

Like with anything, you first must decide what you really want. From the moment you make that decision, you start the wheels turning. But that is just the beginning. Then, you follow that up with further clarity into the details. Then you keep it close to you at all times, seeing it, reading it, and reminding yourself that this is your one focus and nothing else. Your whole life starts to revolve around your idea or project.

This is not the time to say, I’m thinking about this and that, and I’ll see how it goes. The saying is to burn the bridge when you cross it to give you a one-way ticket to your destination: no turns, no recalculations, no change of mind or direction. You create a plan A, and there are no plan Bs or any other plan for that matter.

Once you are sure about this plan, project or idea that you have, you go all in. And one important aspect of this process is to tell your most trusted people who can hold you accountable and keep you on track.

Anyone who gives you a feeling of doubt or insecurity immediately cut them off. Never share your thoughts with them again. When you encounter those who love your idea and will cheer you on till the end, those are the few you keep close by to encourage you and be your cheerleaders.

Manifestation is a step-by-step process. It is a patience and waiting game. The goal is to know without a doubt what you want,  project this desire outward, and then follow through with the action necessary to make it happen.

With 2025 right here at your front door, it is time to take charge of your life and design it to unfold exactly as you wish. There is no magical solution or rituals you should perform.

It all comes down to knowing without a doubt or fear the journey you are choosing to create and following your inner guidance with confidence and trust.

To get you started on the right foot, I want to gift you “the Manifesting Formula, from my Success Formula Series” to help you start the new year ready to hit the ground running.

Go to my website, KarinaGFelix. com/Success-Formula, and get the free download.

Happy New Mindset, and may you pursue your goals and dreams with diligence and consistency.

Dr Karina Felix
