Ilene Gottlieb
The Heart Healer
Share your journey.
I grew up in southern New Jersey. From the material sense, I was truly blessed to want for nothing as a child but, my experiences of childhood trauma resulted in PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). My innate spiritual gifts were submerged under fear and an inability to deal with the emotions that I sensed around me and with that went many of my memories.
My professional life as a Registered Nurse has evolved over time. For many years I was a clinical nurse working primarily with children and women in academic hospital settings and then in the area of hospice. Being part of a team has always brought me joy both as a leader and participant.
The second part of my career was as a Nurse/Legal Assistant working for a mid-sized law firm specializing in health care law. And then in 1994 I had a spiritual healing experience that was so profound that my connection to God and Angelic Realm was awakened in the most beautiful way. With my gifts of empathy and intuition restored, my life path changed significantly. I took a leap of faith and started my private practice of Vibrational Healing and have not looked back!
In 2018, after an experience with my Mom while she was hospitalized, my PTSD from childhood was triggered so significantly that I was searching for ways to finally heal this and the gift of Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian problem-solving process came back into my life. Ho’oponopono is most familiarly known by the phrases “I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you”.
I know this may sound strange, or as my Dad would say “woo woo”, as he used to call me his “Woo Woo Nurse” with great affection. Or, it may even seem impossible to you but, here’s what happened to me when I started practicing Ho’oponopono. After an hour of working with this process, the back pain I had for a week where I could not stand up straight, was gone and, that pain has never returned. Then I decided to try it as a tool for healing my relationship with my Mom, the cause for my PTSD.
After approximately two weeks I noticed a peace within me that was palpable and then subtle shifts in my Mom. After four months almost to the day, I realized based on my Mom’s behaviors that Ho’oponopono was indeed working. Our relationship completely reversed in what felt like a miracle! And for the next year and a half until my Mom transitioned to Spirit, I enjoyed a relationship with her that was 90-95 percent loving and joyful and only 5-10 percent challenging and I rarely if ever have any PTSD symptoms! For this and so much more, I am eternally grateful to Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, Kahuna Lapa’au and Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD, my teachers, for sharing this ancient process with the world. Incorporating Ho’oponopono into my day-to-day life as a way of being, teaching Ho’oponopono in combination with Conscious Heart Connection and creating The Heart Healers Ho’oponopono Community are how I serve and are expressions of my soul’s purpose.
What is Your Field of Expertise?
Affectionately known as The Heart Healer, by combining over 50 years in Nursing and 29 years in Vibrational Healing, I create a holistic approach to clearing energy blocks and promoting healing on all levels.
Through my gifts of empathy, intuition and conscious channeling of spiritual wisdom from the Akashic Records, I have been blessed to bring clarity, confidence and healing experiences to an International clientele of heart-centered individuals who struggle with trauma, fear and self-worth issues, to experience inner peace, self-confidence, empowerment and a knowing of their soul’s purpose.
How do you inspire others to shine and be their best selves?
There is nothing like the feeling of witnessing someone light up with an “aha” moment that brings them to their next level of BEing who they are intended to be! I believe inspiring others comes from living by example or “walking the walk”. With channeled spiritual wisdom from the Akashic Records that brings clarity and confidence and an innate gift of being able to quickly guide someone to the root of the issue at hand, I guide others to live their lives from a place of conscious heart connection as they express their own soul’s purpose for being.
What message do you have for our audience?
No matter what the question or situation is, Love is always the answer. As The Heart Healer, I believe our collective soul purpose for this Human journey is to remember how to be in a loving relationship with ourselves first. For who we are BEing with ourselves, is always reflected in all of our relationships and life experiences.
Imagine with me if you will what our world would feel like if everyone continuously asked themselves “What is my most loving choice?”
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