I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead.”

"I'll Sleep When I'm Dead."

The Power of Sleep:

Unlocking the Ultimate Trifecta for Body, Mind, and Soul

“I’ll Sleep When I Dead.” Remember when that was a common saying? Well, not anymore. There’s now a strong emphasis not just on sleeping, but on getting enough consecutive hours of rest.

This focus on sleep is growing because science has finally caught up with the reasons behind it.

Sleep is the ultimate trifecta of benefits: it affects the body, mind, and soul.

Body – When we sleep, the body has time to perform the critical work of regenerating new cells, improving digestion, and detoxifying.

This is when the involuntary muscles—stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, etc.—kick into gear.

Mind – During sleep, our conscious mind rests, but our subconscious mind remains active. It’s the only time it can work without distractions from our conscious thoughts and the ongoing chatter in our heads.

The subconscious mind now has a chance to resolve unresolved issues, find solutions for ideas and questions we ponder during the day, and have them ready when we wake up.

Soul – If you’ve ever experienced an out-of-body experience or are a lucid dreamer, as I am, you know the opportunity to connect with people who have crossed over, as well as those who may appear in your future.

My dream world and my real world—whichever one is considered real—intersect to the point where I’m not always sure which is which.

My girlfriend, who left this world angry at everyone, including me, finally visited me in a dream this week.

In this dream, we made peace, which brought me the closure I needed.

So, make sleep a true priority in your life and daily routine.

Be mindful and attentive before you go to sleep—ask for unresolved issues to be addressed. Pay attention to your dreams, and if you remember anything, be ready in the morning with a journal to write down the resolutions to the questions you asked the night before.

You’ll start to experience life in a whole new way.

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Excerpts from — “Becoming A Spirit Guide in the Now and Hereafter.” — Advancing The Evolution of Human Potential and Spirit Consciousness – In Pursuit of Self and Mind Mastery” by Dr. Karina Felix

Dr. Karina Felix
Author: Dr. Karina Felix

Dr. Karina Felix is a leading metaphysical science educator and earth spirit guide, devoted to advancing human potential and spirit consciousness. With a PhD in Metaphysical Science, Dr. Felix guides individuals on transformative journeys of mind and self-mastery, spiritual expansion, and the discovery of their Soul’s true purpose. Her teachings empower people to live with clarity, confidence, and alignment with their highest selves.