Joe Petroski
Could you share your journey with us?
I grew up in Minnesota in a family that, on the outside, looked great. We did many fun things, and my mom and dad did their best. However, they also dished out a great deal of physical and emotional abuse.
They beat me often. Sometimes two or three times a day. The worst was the screaming and emotional abuse.
I wondered to myself – When would I ever be good enough? What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I be like everyone else? I was one of the best-behaved kids in the entire neighborhood and school, yet I was treated as the worst. In my late twenties, I developed an unusual illness.
By my thirties, it became a disability. I would often lose the ability to tell you what I was seeing. I could not read and follow a TV program due to how the illness affected my brain.
I was fragile and emaciated. In 1999 the Doctors sent me home to die, with the prognosis that I had less than a year to live and would most likely take my own life, as the illness would become so horrible and painful.
Luckily I found this amazing Shaolin Master, Dr. Kam Yuen; he and his students worked on me and towards my path to healing and health. After the second hour session, I no longer needed the supplemental oxygen; by the third, I was completely healthy.

What is Your Field of Expertise?
I am a master Healing Facilitator and Intuitive Coach. I trained with the Shaolin Master and spent a lot of time with a Native American Healer.
I have developed my intuitive healing abilities and can see the best in each person and the subconscious blocks that hold them back.
I do the intuitive healing and coaching, so others do not have to suffer. So they do not have to “live with” or suffer from pain and illnesses.
How do you inspire others to shine and be their best selves?
I know that each of us is born a miracle and that we are magnificent in our own way. I support my clients in seeing this and feeling it.
They develop the greatest level of self-acceptance and love that they have ever felt. They pursue their purpose and desires and receive peace and ease in their lives as they have never experienced before.
What message do you have for our readers?
The Creator made us miracles. We are energy and limitless. We have the support to discover our miraculous selves and live free of pains and illnesses.
Affidian Magazine Spotlight Feature