Nancy Matthews
Visionary with Guts
Never mind wearing her heart on her sleeve, Nancy Matthews displays her heart on her flesh. On her arm is the tattoo “Be the One” – a reflection of her life mission to share The One Philosophy with the world.
A multipotentialite, Nancy is a best selling author, international speaker and leadership coach. She is the co-founder of Women’s Prosperity Network, a platform through which women receive coaching to succeed not only in business, but in life. She is also the founder of The People Skills Academy, born out of Nancy’s teaching of The One Philosophy.
She is known as the “Visionary with Guts” for her persistence in going for her goals and dreams despite apparent obstacles or challenges and works with individuals and organizations to support them in achieving stellar results.
Entrepreneurship is in Nancy’s blood – she tells the joyful story when at the tender age of six, she and her friend took roses from her friend’s mother’s garden to create perfume, which they sold to neighbors. At 22 Nancy became a single mother which pushed her into using her entrepreneurial skills to survive and provide for her child. In 2002, Nancy established her own Real Estate Title and Real Estate Investing business.

All the while, Nancy held a passion for mentoring and coaching, which she began offering in 2005, hosting training events for those interested in Real Estate. Business was good, but ever ambitious and recognizing that she needed to improve her public speaking skills to continue extending her reach, in 2007 Nancy attended what would turn out to be a pivotal training event.
At the training , the host looked out at the audience and queried why there weren’t more women there. He emphasized his view that the world needs more women leaders, driving home the point that what is needed is women acting like women, not women acting like men. Nancy recalls leaping out of her chair shouting, “That’s me!” envisioning herself as a female leader, a woman acting as a woman, coaching others to achieve success in the Real Estate industry.
At the event, Nancy was approached by a woman who shared her plans to establish a Woman’s Seminar Company, asking Nancy if she was interested in being the Seminar’s Real Estate expert. Nancy’s interest was piqued and she began investing time and money in making the vision of hosting a seminar for 500 guests a reality. Nancy was fully invested in the dream of creating this new paradigm for women leaders and found some interest among her local groups. With little experience in the Seminar business however, Nancy was counting on her fellow organizers to ensure that the huge hall that was booked in California, would be filled. In the weeks and days leading up to the seminar, things were not looking good and as it turned out, only fifty people turned up – thirty of whom were booked speakers and invited guests.
Over the previous six months, Nancy had sold her title company and handed over her client list, all in the anticipation that her new venture would be a resounding success. On the redeye flight home, Nancy was of course disappointed and dejected, and had little idea of what she would do next. She had spent almost $75k in pursuing this dream. But the voice of one of the women she shared this new woman’s leadership paradigm with, came to her mind.
Nancy was determined to find a way to serve her, and women like her. Rather than rejecting and giving up on the dream of creating this new type of community, Nancy reformulated the dream. She left the failed partnership and created a new partnership with her sisters, Trish Carr and Susan Wiener. The rest, as they say, is history.
Women’s Prosperity Network was founded in 2008 and what began as a grassroots endeavor, now serves women around the globe. Nancy is keen to emphasize that what we see as a resounding success today, is born out of difficulty, disappointment and a steadfast commitment to the vision.
She and her sisters are determined to help other women realize their dreams, whether it involves building from scratch as Nancy did with her Real Estate company, or reformulating a dream, as they did with Women’s Prosperity Network.
If you already are or you’re currently following your dream of becoming a woman leader, and would like to benefit from the wisdom in Women’s Prosperity Network, visit
Affidian Magazine Cover Feature

Nancy Matthews