Nandini Gosine-Mayrhoo

Nandini Gosine-Mayrhoo

Could your share your journey with us?

    I am a child of the Caribbean who lived for 23 years in London, England and who moved to Florida in 2013. Cold, damp England always made me dream of one day returning to my sunshine roots but when my family moved to Florida, I decided to join them. The Sunshine State is an excellent alternative to the sunny Caribbean!  

   I’ve always had a spiritual calling and when I was very young, around 17 – I had a dream of what I can only describe as a “Light Being.” This Being lifted up the grass and earth on which we were sitting and I saw brilliant white light. The Being said to me, “See, none of this is real.”    

    It’s a dream that has always stayed with me and I guess it has been an anchor for my Spiritual growth – a knowing that there is much more to this perceived reality in which we are immersed. I am a student of Metaphysics and to that end, I pursued a Masters in Metaphysics with the University of Metaphysics, Sedona.

Another pivotal moment came much later in life when I heard the Music of the Plants, a device that translates the electrical impulses within a plant into musical notes. It touched me deeply and I knew immediately it had to be a part of my life.

    I have published the first children’s book on the Music of the Plants which has been honored with the prestigious Mom’s Choice Award. It is my mission to nurture the nature leaders of tomorrow, and my platform nandī provides a much needed reimagining of children’s education around nature.

S1 Ep 6 – “Tell Me A Story”, Guest: Nandini Gosine Mayrhoo, with host Dr. Karina Felix.

What is Your Field of Expertise?

     I am an author, writer, freelance writer and ghostwriter. In my previous incarnation, I worked in Wholesale Banking in London. It was a career that I thought would last my life, but the financial meltdown in 2008 was the catastrophic blessing in disguise that redirected my course to my true purpose.

   I’ve always had a passion for writing and my mission is to use my words to shift the current paradigm, which to my mind is not serving humanity. I also help others to share their words.

     I’m conscious that we all – particularly we women – have valuable stories to share, but many of us do not have the required skillset or time to share those stories.

     I particularly enjoy working with female spiritual entrepreneurs who have a vision to shift the current paradigm.

Co-host of Mysticism, Magnetism, Metaphysics on Affidian TV.

How do you inspire others to shine and be their best selves?

     I hope that I am able to do that through helping others share their stories….stories that need to be heard.   

   Knowing that our experiences can help shape the lives of others, is a powerful way that we can be encouraged to step outside of our shells and become our best selves.

What message do you have for our readers?

   I am an introvert, perhaps even an introverted introvert!

   Creating nandī, a platform through which I aim to make meaningful change in the world, is not something I ever imagined myself doing as it calls for me to be very visible.

    I would encourage everyone to step outside of their comfort zones, particularly when it challenges the very core of who they perceive themselves to be. Take the first step and it may very likely lead to magic.

S 1 Ep 3 – “Celebrating Our Authors” – Guest: Nandini Gosine Mayrhoo, with host Dr. Karina Felix

Affidian Magazine Spotlight Feature

Author: admin