New Year! New Plans! Or So We Hope. . .

New Year! New Plans! Or So We Hope. . .


Most people may already be considering what they’ll be focusing on as their New Year’s resolution.

I’ve long ago not even used that word anymore – New Year’s Resolution. Somewhere in your subconscious mind, you’ve already programmed your mind to be okay with not achieving your goals for the year.

Years of making and breaking your New Year’s resolution goals have programmed your subconscious mind to allow you to give up on your dreams. Each time, you feel less and less guilty of not following through to the point of starting the year on a high and finishing with the surrender words – “I can’t wait for this year to end. “

Research shows that most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by mid to end of February.

Considering that it’s just the middle of the first quarter, it is enough to show you that the new year will manifest the exact same situation as the previous one.

Waiting to start anything means that it will not get done. People plan with a limited finite time mindset. They wait for the beginning of the week, the month, the year, tomorrow morning, when I take a vacation, when I return from vacation.

These are all great startup timelines. But they become more a procrastination timeline than an achievable goal trajectory.

In physical form, we live in a linear timeline- 24 hours a day. 30 days a month, 12 months a year, centuries, millennia, etc.

But in the spiritual realm, time is obsolete. It does not exist. Everything happens in the now. There is no past or future.

Our Soul is only aware of now and the actions taken now. So when you put something off for later, that means that it was not put into your manifestation bucket list.

Whatever you feel you have not accomplished according to your initial intention with your New Year’s resolution is based on the fact that it did not reach the ears of Source.

If you don’t mail the letter, the recipient will not receive or read it.

If you consciously choose to “wait for the right time” for things to happen, it will never happen.

Based on documented research, at the end of life, people realize they regret the chances, opportunities, and risks they did not take. People who did play full-out and took those chances during their journey report that they would not change anything. They were content with their life experiences, whether good or bad. One must be willing to try, take risks, and jump into the unknown.

Life’s excitement is all about the unknown. People go to amusement parks to get a moment high on the scary rides, or they go sky diving for the thrill. I’m here to share with you that there is no scarier yet more satisfying journey than the one you follow, filled with risk, opportunities, and anticipation.

As I leave you here pondering your next move, I can only offer my perspective from my personal experience as a serial entrepreneur- The scary moments are totally and completely worth it.