Detoxification -the word is quite familiar but not everyone understands the full implication of the detoxification process. More importantly, why we need to Detox on a regular basis.
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Pain is part of the human experience, suffering is an unconscious choice. One way to navigate through painful situations and not suffer is by Practicing GRATITUDE. It may sound like I’m oversimplifying things, but I’m not.
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Dysautonomia is a neurological condition that affects the part of your body that controls the way your internal organ systems operate. This can include effects on heart rate, blood pressure, gastrointestinal function, and even bladder function. Continue Reading

Your Lifestyle is your hospital death warrant in twenty years or your certificate for Longevity. In China, beef is reserved for those over the age of sixty because their protein requirements are greater. Meat is shredded and mixed with vegetables for better absorption.Continue Reading

You’ve spent hours searching for the right birthday or Mother’s Day card, one that doesn’t gush with fake sentimentality, reflecting a love you find hard to feel yourself — you know that a mother’s love doesn’t always pass the Hallmark entrance exam.Continue Reading

60% of the human body is composed of water, and the body requires all 60% to function properly. This is why hydration is vital, as it enables critical bodily processes to maintain overall health and strength, enhance metabolism, and support the immune system.Continue Reading

Possible side effects are a renewed love of life, boosts of energy, feeling joyous and alive, and smiling more. You may even experience being more productive and connected to the people around you.Continue Reading