The Lost Art of Listening

The Lost Art of Listening

Listening is vital if you want to learn and acquire new information. However, the art of listening has become a lost practice, and I’m curious why. I then figured that in a world as noisy as it is right now, filled with distractions, no wonder no one feels heard or seen. But times have changed. Everyone is busy. In my opinion, the urge to demand others’ attention has increased exponentially over time.

Energetic Energy Exchange

Now, let’s add the element of energy. Receiving attention is equal to receiving energetic vibrations from others. This energy exchange has two sides: the giver and the receiver.

The receiver feels good after being listened to. It increases their dopamine level, the feel-good hormone our body releases when we experience pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation. This feeling also becomes an addiction, like any other form of addiction we know. You want more each time, and the amount needed to experience those feelings increases over time.

The Giver

For the giver, the experience is the exact opposite of the receiver. Where the receiver experiences a sense of euphoria, the giver feels tired, drained, and lethargic. The reason is that the energetic frequency the receiver enjoys is taken directly from the giver. By being an attentive listener with compassion and patience, the giver, if not protected, may give away more energy than they have stored.

The Balance

In a world where everyone seems to be vying for attention and acknowledgment, it’s crucial to reflect on how we can strike a balance between the two. This is a challenging task. Talking and listening intently is an art form in itself. In The Celestine Prophecies, the author narrates the energy shifts between people, showing the difference between the authentic listener and the selfish listener—the one who makes it all about them. I’m sure you’ve been in the middle of that conversation.

That’s when you suddenly need to get a drink or go to the bathroom to detach from that energy field. If you have been on the receiving end, please be aware of when it’s your turn to talk. Be generous with your tongue as much as with your ears.

Conversations are based on a balance of talking and listening, sharing worthy information and ideas. The advancement of human potential starts when we are conscious of our choices and actions.

The Punchline

So, the next time you find yourself nodding along to someone else’s monologue, just remember: they may be getting a dopamine hit, but you’re paying for it in energy. And if you catch yourself doing all the talking, well, don’t be surprised if your audience suddenly needs a bathroom break. After all, the art of listening is a two-way street—unless, of course, you prefer your conversations to be one-sided. In that case, might I suggest a mirror?

If you have a strong message that will impact the world and advance the evolution of human potential and spirit consciousness, please connect with me at The CelebCatalyst Incubator.