The Miracle That is Our Body
Our body is the most complex machine ever made! It has the miraculous ability to sustain life and is always moving towards healing. Even when we don’t give our body what it needs, our body will fight for survival!
It does not recognize the synthetic materials added to our foods and surrounding us in our environment. A practice of cellular detox is an important tool in keeping our body healthy.
Did you know that we are constantly replacing and rebuilding ourselves from the inside out?
Our cells replicate themselves many times during our lifetime, with two exceptions: our heart cells and our brain cells.
Just like making copies on a copier machine, we want to make a copy from the original to have the cleanest 2nd or 3rd generation copy of the original. So, it is with our cells. The farther we get away from the original healthy cell, the greater the risk of disease. Keeping our cells healthy is extremely important.
Let’s get back to our heart and brain cells…. These cells appear to be so resilient that they can last a lifetime!
We need to nurture them and keep them healthy through nutrition, lifestyle and mindset.
There is a belief that our heart and brain cells are the epicenter of the essence of who we are as individuals.Maybe this is why they are the only cells that are not replaced!
Today we are being exposed to so much negativity. Studies have shown that the DNA and the cells of our body are directly connected to our feelings. Becoming aware of our feelings and the role that they play in our health can help us improve our overall health.
Since, our thoughts create our feelings, we can learn to change from negative thought patterns to positive ones.
We are usually not even aware of our underlying thinking patterns. Our body creates a matching chemistry for each feeling! We can literally create a “love chemistry” or a “hate chemistry.” Which would you choose?
There is a saying: “ Dis ~ Ease “ creates Disease. In fact, it is often the root cause of a physical condition. We tend to look for reasons outside of ourselves when we become ill, when it could easily be what we are harboring inside of us that causes this malady.
For example, Gratitude secretes endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin, while feeling angry and anxious produces cortisol and inflammation. Knowing this and applying it in our everyday lives will make a significant difference.
Awareness is the first step in managing our feelings. Begin to notice your thoughts when they come up. You can choose how you feel! This is a learned habit and a “forever practice,” but so worth it, especially in this day and age.
I will end with this powerful statement: Fix the Cell to be Well.