The Truth, The Shame, and The Belief System about Money and Finance.

The Truth, The Shame, and The Belief System about Money and Finance.

     I was ashamed. Somewhere in my financially uneducated mind, I needed to fully comprehend how to navigate money, trust it, spend it, save it, and accumulate it. I was sitting on a half-a-million-dollar home but too afraid to detach from it even though I was drowning in debt, too concerned with what others would say or think. Having assets doesn’t mean you can’t be broke. I was cash-broke.

     Not having the proper financial education to understand its worth and value, I went about it by making it and spending it without a cohesive, organized way. I had no structure and tracking system in place. Actually, I was my own worst judge; the feeling of failure and disappointment in myself led me down the rabbit hole straight into bankruptcy.

     When I finally chose to detach from the material stuff in my life and other people’s opinions, I was able to free up space and time and redirect my clouded mind. Moving and creating a new life for myself seemed like a scary thing to do. Staying in the status quo is what we were programmed to do. Our ideals are cluttered with the wrong mindset of what true prosperity and abundance mean.

    I couldn’t make a decision. Waking up each day figuring out how to make money to pay my bills and have food on the table created an ongoing bout of anxiety attacks, fear, and depression.

    Boy, oh boy, was I the ultimate performer in my own drama, starring myself as the lead protagonist.  I was stepping out and creating a semblance that all was well—no care in the world. No worries. No concerns. At least to the outside world, I was all put together.

      It never occurred to me to seek help financially, emotionally, or mentally. I hid behind my own guilt of fraud and failure. I shared my situation with no one. How can I share my deep belief in The Universe yet have nothing to show? Or that is what I thought. I clouded my judgment with the mundane measuring stick the world instills in us. I forgot that abundance and prosperity have nothing to do with your financial situation or physical possessions.

     Living a conscious life is about accepting our situations as life lessons that prepare us for the future, harnessed with all the knowledge and wisdom to achieve anything we set our minds on.

     As soon as I changed my mindset, my life changed dramatically. But it took some eye-opening moments to get me there. Since I had become an empty-nester, I no longer needed a big house. I put my home up for sale and downsized into a smaller place. With the proceeds, I invested a portion in my retirement funds, invested in starting my businesses, and opened a money market account for emergency moments. This decision restored my common sense about our life’s journey.

     Living a conscious lifestyle is an ongoing journey. It isn’t something you do once and forget about it. It is what you do every day, all day long, consciously and deliberately.
Everything in life has a consistency that must be attended to to keep it in shape and tip-top condition for the long haul. So, too, is your spiritual journey. Occasional meditation, prayer, and affirmations will not produce the results you want in your life.

    These habits and commitments must become the most important part of your life, actually, your daily routine. Living in harmony with the creative collective consciousness and constant connection with your higher self is the key to abundance, prosperity, peace, and ease.

Dr. Karina G. Felix, Ph.D. Msc. is a Metaphysical Scientist who began her spiritual journey as a child with knowledge and guidance from her Guardian Angels.  Follow her at