Transform Your Current Lifestyle to Longevity.

Transform Your Current Lifestyle to Longevity.

How Can You Transform your Current Lifestyle to Longevity?

Eat & Think
     Eat & think about what you choose to put into your stomach, blood, and brain.
Chew your food thirty-two times before you swallow to create digestive enzymes. In Asia, children are not fed meat until after age seven, when their immune system is fully developed. 

    In China, beef is reserved for those over the age of sixty because their protein requirements are greater. Meat is shredded and mixed with vegetables for better absorption.

Breathe & Hydrate
     Breathe & drink pure water and tea to help digest your food better. Breathing is the single most important thing to stay alive. You can go forty days without food, fourteen days without water, but only four minutes without air. Water contains oxygen, and we need at least 3 liters of water daily to dilute toxins so our kidneys won’t get damaged.

    Breathing exercises are required so that when the unexpected happens, you don’t get shortness of breath.The diaphragm muscle needs to be stronger in all Americans because in life-and-death situations, we have a tendency to hold our breath.

    Exhaling is more important than inhaling because the inhalation is involuntary. In other words, you don’t have to think about it. The exhale requires effort.

Your Lifestyle is your hospital death warrant in twenty years or your certificate for Longevity.

If you want to be healthy at 70, 80 or 90 then you have to:

balance your emotional life in your 30’s
• start your fitness lifestyle in your 40’s,
• start your spiritual life in your 50’s,
• reset your sexy lifestyle in your 60’s

Move and Feel
Move and feel your body. Singing and drumming move the blood, raise heart rate and oxygen saturation of tissues. Feel your hips, back and neck rotating. Feel your major joints expand and contract. Emotions get stuck in various parts of your body.

     Anger, frustration, resentment, shame, blame and guilt cause chest and upper back muscles to contract restricting blood flow. Fear stresses low back and kidney region, affecting your urogenital system. Scared kids pee in their pants and adults are scared sh*tless.

      Anxiety tightens hamstrings, locking the pelvis in one position. That leads to chronic back pain. The number one mental illness in America is Anxiety and Fear. Fear of loss causes hatred and anger.  Worry stresses the abdominal area through overeating or loss of appetite. Worry weakens the digestive system and by extension hormone production and poor sex drive and performance.

      Exercise, specifically Emo-Release Qigong will increase sex drive and stamina, delete Fear and Anxiety and eliminate Anger. Qigong is moving Yoga, the best way to get unstuck.

“If you are physically ill, then you are mentally ill”

~ David Satcher MD

Dance & Heal
     We are dancing animals that can reduce emotional stress in group therapy or solo/dual practice. The movement reveals the restriction. When we feel pain with a certain movement our instinct is to stop the movement. However, the therapeutic principle is to relax the muscles in proximity to the pain and then move through the pain.

    Turning the movements into a dance insures the fun and safety of the process. Healing is the repair process that takes place at night with oxygen as the catalyst. Dancing increases oxygen in the tissues that will increase healing speed.

Dr. George Love, Jr is a licensed primary care physician, Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM), Herbalist, Qigong master and Certified Acupuncturist. Reach him at