“When You Return To Yourself, You Return To Innocence”

What do we call innocence?
What do we consider innocence?
How do we see innocence?

For most of us, innocence equals purity, untouched or unhampered. We refer to the innocence of a baby or child or the innocence of someone who has not experienced much in life. We feel love and compassion for these individuals.

We each have our own perspective on innocence. Even in the judicial system, someone is “innocent until proven guilty.”

If this is the premise of what we consider to mean innocence, then why is it that religions have deemed us all as sinners from the moment we are born?

The misconception, translation, or pampering of the original scriptures did not fully describe the concept of “sin” or, in other words, “Karma.”

Let’s take a deep dive into the memory of Karma and its significance to our journey.

Karma is not an experience of the physical human being. It is a spiritual process that the Soul must address as it works through its mission.

This Karma is part of the energy source of the Universe, the All, where everything is connected and reacts off of each other.

The one directly affects the other, whether consciously, unconsciously, or subconsciously. The Soul’s ultimate mission is to arrive at Nirvana, Heaven, Ananda—the ultimate source of love.

This is the Soul’s one and only path, aim, and goal.

To reach that level, the Soul comes to earth to challenge itself into realizing and actualizing its evolution.

You may ask:


Why weren’t we just born with it all?

Why weren’t we naturally good, loving, and happy?

That’s because God/Source/Universe is a creative force. The evolution of existence can only expand through ongoing development and evolvement.



That is why we were given Free Will. Free will allows us to choose and decide for ourselves. Our daily challenges are those within us—our thoughts, beliefs, desires, wants, likes, and dislikes.

Without this creative force, which was designed within this mystical, magical dimension, we’d still be living in caves, trying to figure out how to start a fire.

Without these creative energies, we wouldn’t have today’s comforts—food, shelter, clothing, homes, cars, and all the innovations that continually move us toward a more peaceful and comfortable lifestyle.



But, with Free Will comes the Soul’s challenges. Before birth, the Soul outlines its life plan, deciding what it will experience—whether for 9 minutes, 10 months, 50, or more years. It has sketched out these plans long before emerging through a birth canal.

It’s like a business mapping out its business plan, with yearly, quarterly, weekly, and daily tasks and goals. The Soul does the same, creating a Karmic plan based on past performance to improve in the next life.

Just like a business that looks back at its past performance so that it can strategize on how to improve future results, so too the Soul has used its Akashic Records to review past performance with the intention of tweaking and adjusting for a better future outcome.



The challenge is that the human body comes with its own “hardware,” similar to a brand-new computer with pre-installed functionalities. The body’s hardware is the Ego—a protective feature that warns us when things are off, such as hunger, fear, or disappointment. It’s like the warning lights in your car that signal low gas, engine trouble, or brake issues. If you ignore these warning signs, you’ll probably end up on the side of the road out of gas. The Ego serves as a protective mechanism, much like these warning systems.

However, overriding the body’s built-in warning signals is the job of the Soul—the “software.” And this is where the challenge begins.

The Soul, equipped with all the formulas and solutions to our earthly issues, is constantly challenged by the Ego, which resists change. The computer [Ego] sees new coding [change] as a virus, failing to understand that this is an upgrade [Awakening] meant to optimize the computer’s functions, making it faster, easier, and better—translate that into making life easier, happier, prosperous, abundant, and more fulfilling.

When you try downloading new software onto your computer, you’re often warned to proceed cautiously. The brave, the faithful, and the trusting go ahead and download anyway and are rewarded with new awakenings, knowledge, understanding, and knowingness.



Returning to the title of the article “When You Return To Yourself, You Return To Innocence,”

We all arrive here with our own Spiritual DNA- It’s the coding that contains our full existence vision, mission, and goals embedded into it.

Like a new computer, a baby’s software, Soul, is running at full capacity, bringing all its past knowledge to embark on this new journey. But soon, the hardware, Ego, warning signals kick in, overriding the spiritual “coding.” This is when the wires cross, and the glitches begin. The baby starts retrieving information from earthly programmers and not from the spiritual architects.

But before that, we lived in bliss—joyous and free from worry, responsibility, or stress. We now, lovingly, look at children playing and long for that innocence. Yet, that childlike innocence still lives within you, joyful and unburdened. To reconnect with that feeling and that child, just simply look inward.

Let’s find that peace and joy deep within because it’s still there.

I suggest an exercise to help unlock that feeling, like revisiting old saved files on your computer:

    • Find childhood photos and reminisce about the good times.
    • Call a childhood friend and laugh about the things you did.
    • Journal specific happy memories from your childhood.

Each memory, thought, and word you write should focus on joy, laughter, dancing, playing, and inner freedom. Remember, you can always go back there—you are still innocent deep within.

With this knowledge, I encourage you to upgrade your inner mechanism through quiet, contemplative moments. Stay in this space of innocence as often as possible, and you’ll see the Ego [hardware] and Soul [software] begin to work harmoniously together.

This is the moment when you Align Yourself with your Soul’s purpose.



Come out and play with me this Sunday at 11 AM Eastern Standard Time, where we’ll explore this topic further.

Streaming Live right here on LinkedIn, or go to KarinaGFelix.com/Events for other streaming channels.

Then, join me after for the Zoom “Transform Conversation” Q&A.


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Reserve Your Copy here: https://karinagfelix.com/spirit-guide-presale/

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